25th May 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,


Every year the school holds a sports day, to allow the pupils to take part in both competitive sports and have an enjoyable whole school experience.

This year, our annual Sports Day will be on Friday 16th June 2023 (weather permitting) and we have been extremely fortunate to be able to use the Guildford Cricket Ground at Woodbridge Road once again. We welcome parents/carers to come and spectate and seats will be available adjacent to the pavilion but please be aware that you are not able to approach your children during the event.  This will keep everybody safe, as children will be running around the track, and completing jumping and throwing events.

Please can you drop your child/ren at the Cricket Club in Woodbridge Road at their normal time of 08:30am.

Please note that there is no parking available at the Cricket Club. Parking is available at Waitrose as usual. Parking at Dapdune House Surgery is not an option, as their car park is extremely busy and could result in a parking ticket.

All children will need to come to school in their school standard green P.E. shorts and a house coloured T-shirt.  Class teachers will let your child know if you are unsure what team they are in and the colour of that house. If you are unable to locate a coloured T-Shirt, the school will organise coloured bibs or bands for your child to wear.  Please ensure that your child has a sun hat and apply plenty of sun protection cream to your child in the morning if the weather is hot and sunny, and a light coat if it is raining.

Every child will need a packed lunch and extra water, as we will be in at the cricket club all morning.  Those children entitled to free school meals and all children in KS1 will need to order a packed lunch through iPay Impact and you will all have received your unique codes this week.  Please ensure your child has a healthy packed lunch and do not include any food, which contains nuts, fizzy drinks, chocolate or other unhealthy treats.  All children should also bring in a snack for break time and plenty of water.  Hot meals will need to be cancelled for all pupils for this day only.

Wrap around care will be available to book for those parents that need it before and after school. For those children who attend breakfast club, your child will be walked down to the cricket club by staff members. All pupils will return to school in the afternoon and can be picked up at the normal time of 3:15pm.

We look forward to you joining us and let us hope for sunshine and warm weather to accompany our sports day.

Kindest regards,

Mrs Kate Collins, Headteacher

Everyone is welcome, everyone belongs and everyone is important.