Sandfield Parent Reps


Please find below clarification of the role of the Parent Rep and what you can expect from them as parents:

  • To help communicate information (via email or other means) from school to the parents and carers in their class to remind them of upcoming events such as class assemblies, snack sales and class trips.
  • To assist in finding volunteers and giving help where needed with upcoming school activities both for the class and the PTA. This includes healthy snack sales, swimming rota, class trips, cooking etc., as well as parent-led events such as the Christmas and Summer fairs. To liaise with other reps where necessary to find additional help if not enough volunteers come forward.
  • To act as a point of contact for new parents and carers to help orientate them around school, help them settle in and answer any questions. Also to add them to the class parent or carer contact list which should be updated and circulated.
  • To raise questions, concerns and constructive suggestions from their year group to discuss with the headteacher in regular class rep meetings (or with the class teacher if applicable).  For the school to take minutes and distribute to class reps who will then distribute to all parents.
  • To assist the PTA in arranging social events for parents/carers such as pub nights out and to run the monthly coffee mornings held at school by organising the setting up and tidying away as per the rota.
  • It is also important that class reps do not feel they have to do everything themselves. If parents do not volunteer then it is not the responsibility of the class rep to cover everything. Preparation for coffee mornings and other events can be done by the class reps but they can also assign other parents to help from their class when unable to attend themselves.

Your Parent Rep

Each Parent Rep looks after a class and has their own Whatsapp group.  They are available to answer any questions or to ask general questions about school life. If you have any questions specifically concerning your child, please send us a message on Studybugs.

Please contact your Parent Rep if you would like to help on a trip, help with school events or just need some information!


YEAR 1:  Emma Purdey

YEAR 2: Elena Saint-Vael & Melanie Groenwald

YEAR 3: Mel Warwzik


YEAR 5: Caroline Colley & Christina Kelly

YEAR 6: Fran S