Diversity and Inclusion at Sandfield
Diversity and Inclusion
Provision for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND):
In our school we support physical, emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties. Working with the health and social services we support children and their families. We identify areas of difficulty for some of our pupils that can be described as significant in comparison with other pupils. The teacher or teaching assistant will carry out the differentiated support as identified in the Pupil Passport that is drawn up in consultation with the school Special Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo). Each child is carefully assessed on entering the school and we regularly monitor and review progress to ensure appropriate access to the National Curriculum.
Provision for More Able Children:
As the curriculum is differentiated for pupils with special needs this may also mean the creation of more challenging activities for pupils with a gift or talent. Many children within the school are very able and each teacher is responsible for monitoring their progress. Whilst they follow the same basic curriculum, extension work is provided within the classrooms.
EAL – English as an Additional Language:
Sandfield is a multi-cultural school with nearly 30 languages currently spoken. This provides a huge wealth of cultural experiences and a challenge to make the curriculum relevant to all. The class teacher monitors the children’s progress with the curriculum and learning to assess if there are any difficulties. If it is appropriate the child will receive an additional support programme, which takes place during lessons and in the child’s class. Our website is also available in many languages at the click of a button.
Statement of Unity and Inclusion
There has been much in the press and on social media recently about the #BlackLivesMatter movement both in the USA, across the world and here in the UK. We are aware that some of you will be having discussions with your families and friends about what is happening at the moment.
You might like to watch these clips:
Newsround – https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/52813673
Blue Peter – https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/watch/bp-advice-for-helping-to-stop-racisim
Privilege & inequality – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K5fbQ1-zps
We were appalled by the deaths of George Floyd Breonna Taylor and others and the manner in which their lives were taken. We are aware that these are not incidents isolated in the United States, and that everyday people are living in fear because of the colour of their skin, their race, their heritage and their circumstances.
At Sandfield Primary School, we fully support everyone’s right to be valued and accepted as equals in society. Because of the historic inequality and oppression of people from the BAME community, we agree that ‘Black Lives Matter.’
Our Sandfield community is richer for our growing diversity, we currently have pupils from over 37 countries from around the world. We are committed to building and sustaining an inclusive learning community, based on our vison of everybody is valued, everybody is important and everybody belongs, in which we celebrate everyone’s identity, whatever their race, gender, religion, sexuality and beliefs.
Within our Sandfield School community, we acknowledge that there is much more we can do in terms of anti-racism. We promise to do better. We promise to both listen more actively to those who are under-represented, oppressed and marginalised, and to take greater action, even when it is easier to stay silent.
Those at Sandfield who are not part of the BAME community seek to better educate themselves. All people in the Sandfield school community, know that what we choose to ignore, we accept.
We know that ‘White Privilege’ does not mean that people who identify as ‘white’ cannot face hardship, disadvantage and discrimination in many ways, but that they do not have to fear that the colour of their skin increases the likelihood of prejudice and greater inequalities.
Education is the key to success for everyone. We have a huge role to play in improving and securing life chances for every young person in our care and we are committed to achieving this fundamental right for everyone.
All of us stand beside our friends, neighbours and family from all communities and commit to learning from others and supporting each other towards true equality and an end to inequality and discrimination.
Be Safe; Be Respectful; and Be Ready to own your words and your actions.
Live with Love and Respect