MyChildAtSchool (MCAS)
Parental Information Mangement for Your Child
Bromcom – A New Information System
From January 2025, all schools in the Trust will be switching information sytems from SIMs to Bromcom, parents will know this as MyChildAtSchool or MCAS.
Parents will be able to access most school information in one place and also manage your child’s data directly either from the portal on the MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) Parent App and/ or from your desktop.
The MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) App is available from Apple Store or from Google Play. You will be able to set any language you use, view your child’s attendance, reports, book face-to-face Parents Evenings and so on. The plan is that after Easter 2025 you will also be able to use MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) to pay for trips, events, uniform etc. which will eventually replace Scopay.
A few statutory forms will still need to be completed for Pupil Leavers, Change of Address, Pupil Premium, Dietary and Allergy Information and so on, and these links will remain on the ‘For Parents’ section on the website, where you will also find links to all the Apps and websites you need while your child is at Sandfield.
**Important** Once you have set up the MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) App, please ensure that Notifications are enabled on your phone, iPad or tablet.
Please also check:
All your parental consents are up-to-date and correct
All contact information and emergency contacts are correct
Parents Help Guide to MyChildAtSchool (MCAS)
Admission Forms
New families to the school will be able to input all the required information directly into the MyChildAtSchool (MCAS) App without the need for completing lots of forms. Please see below for the link to our New Starters Pack