Sandfield Celebrations of the Coronation of King Charles III 5th May 2023

Next Friday, Sandfield will be celebrating King Charles III’s Coronation!

Miss McIllroy has been working closely with the JLT to plan the day and all children will be able to come to school next Friday wearing mufti in the colours of red, white, blue, purple or gold as suggested by JLT to celebrate the coronation!  Please note no football shirts!

We have received three nominations to be our Kings next week and we are pleased to announce Lucas CJ’s mummy for Year 2, Teddy’s dad in Year 3 and Rosie’s mum in Year 5 will be joining us on Friday!  Official invites are on their way to you!  We all look forward to you spending lunchtime in school from 12 noon until 1:30pm and getting thoroughly spoilt!

Fantastic Effort Year 5 and Year 6 Cross Country Team

Our gallant Year 5 and Year 6 team battled the storm yesterday to complete against other schools in a cross country race on Pewely Down.

The weather was absolutely awful, but the team showed great resilience to complete this gruelling race.  Well done to both Mathias and Poppy who finished strongly against the other competing schools.

Just a reminder that we have a Bank Holiday weekend – so we will look forward to seeing everyone in school on Tuesday 2nd May.

Wishing you all a great long weekend!

Best wishes
Mrs Collins and The Sandfield Team


Children in Celebration Assembly this week were:

Year R: Lia and Ediz
Year 1: Yasmin, Callie and Hope
Year 2: Stefan and Sashant
Year 3: Novak and Cody
Year 4: Alfie and Helia
Year 5: Maks and Lubna
Year 6: Ben and Abeera

Well done everyone!

Well done Badge

Hellos and Goodbyes!

This week we welcomed Krrieya to Year 3 and said a sad goodbye to Lubna, Laila and Travis.

Sandfield Babies!

None this week!


The school target for this year 2022-2023 has been set by the Surrey County Council Inclusion Team and is 97%

This week the whole school achieved 94.9%.

Attendance Clock

To view our Attendance Protocol,please click here>>


Here at Sandfield, we are lucky to have many different cultures and religions with all of the associated celebrations and food.  We would welcome other members of our school community to share celebrations in this way.  If you would like to celebrate an important date in your cultural or religious calendar, please contact me via Studybugs or email to discuss any ideas further.  We look forward to hearing from you.

Just a reminder that if there are any pupils that will be fasting or praying during the period of Ramadan, please let us know so that we can support the children with this.

Sandfield Padlet – Courses, Workshops and Information for Parents

Our Padlet lists the school’s main digital resources and some recommended resources from the Inclusion and Pastoral team. This is aimed at all our parents and carers and is a live platform that staff will continue to update.

There are also lots of courses and workshops on offer to all parents, carers and families.  To see what is available, including free cookery classes and supporting your child with reading from Surrey Family Learning etc. please look at the Sandfield Padlet, there is lots of information available for everyone along with local events!

Click here for information on Community Links and Media at Sandfield

Inclusion Team Useful Links

Sandfield Padlet >>
Young Carers >>

Families Surrey West Latest Newsletter

Please click here>>

Family Children’s Centre Newsletter

Please click here>> 


SAFEGUARDING – Use of Mobile Phones

We are still seeing parents and carers using mobile phones on-site, please be aware that you will be asked to end your call before you enter any of the gates.

Uniform Price Increase Alert!

We wanted to inform you of an upcoming change to our school uniform prices. Our uniform prices have stayed the same for over 6 years but due to rising costs of materials and manufacturing to the supplier, which in turn are passed on to us, we will be increasing the prices of our uniforms starting after half term.

The new prices will be shared with all parents in due course.

We understand that this may be an inconvenience for some families, but we want to assure you that we have done everything we can to keep the increase as minimal as possible while still maintaining the quality of our uniforms.  We also want to remind you that we offer a range of financial aid options for families who may need assistance with the purchase of uniforms. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us to discuss your options by contacting Mrs Lidstrom, our Home School Link Worker via Studybugs.

We appreciate your understanding and support as we work to provide the best possible education and resources for our pupils.

Sports Dates for This Term


PTA Committee:  We urgently need the following for the Committee for the PTA:
3 Trustees: this is a low-maintenance role which is mostly administrative.
Co-Treasurer: to work alongside Esmat (Cyrus’s and Lockhart’s mum).
Secretary: mainly administrative, minute taking etc.

Please let Mrs Collins know if you would like to discuss any of these vital roles further or would like to volunteer!

PTA Summer ‘Family’ Event:  ‘SANDFEST’ Saturday 24th June 2023:

Following last years successful ‘Sandfest’ the event is returning bigger and better!  This event for families will be in the afternoon in the form of a mini-festival and we will have Live Artists (to be announced over the coming months), as well as a BBQ and other refreshments.  There will be the usual stalls including the adult tombola, jolly jars, raffle, children’s games.  Book this date in your diaries bring along your chairs and blankets and enjoy a festival afternoon.

Curchods Estate Agents have kindly agreed to sponsor Advertising Boards for our ‘Sandfest’ event this year. They pay the school £10 for each board that a parent agrees to have at their property to advertise the event.  It would be great if parents would sign up for this and the form will be sent home after the Easter holiday.

Lots of help will be needed to help make this event a success.  More details to follow!

If you are interested in any of the above roles or have any other ideas, please email, or catch Emma and Nick at school.

Many thanks
Sandfield PTA



This week Reception enjoyed various parts of the story of Jack and Beanstalk!

On theme with magic beans from the story, the children wrote about what would happened if they had a magic bean. We spoke about where their magic beans could take them. Some magic beans teleported children to Disneyland, robot world, outer space and even to a bouncy castle in the sky! 

Inspired by the planting of the beans in the story, the children explored different types of seeds. Some noticed that that many of the things they love to eat have seeds in them. They observed closely and described each of the seeds. They were challenged to sort seeds into various groups and use reasoning skills to justify their ideas.  

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


We’ve had a busy week in KS1.

Year 2 have been learning about fractions and Year 1 are learning to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We’ve used beads, cubes, Numicon and drawings to help us count. The children have shown some amazing maths skills – well done Year 1 and 2!

REMINDER: P.E days for Year 1 is  Monday and Year 2 is Tuesday.

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


As part of our cross-curricular learning, the children have been learning about Roman pottery in Art.

They have been experimenting with different techniques, such as kneading, pinching and coiling.

In Science, we have been investigating friction using toy cars and ramps made from different materials. The children measured how far the toy cars travelled beyond the end of the ramp and were thinking scientifically about why some travelled further than others.

Excellent work this week!

Reminders: PE on Wednesday (outside) & Thursday indoors (shorts and t-shirts will also be needed)

Year 4 String Scheme takes place every Friday, please ensure all instruments are in school.

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


Another busy week!

In English, Year 5 & 6 have been writing a character description using a beautiful film stimulus called The Piano. We have been creating sentences using verb sentence starters, emotive language and powerful word choices – the children have produced some incredible writing and have shown such an enthusiastic attitude towards their learning.

With the fast approaching Coronation, both classes have been thoroughly enjoying creating and rehearsing their entertainment for our Coronation picnic party next Friday; we are hoping for a sunny day!

SATS PowerPoint Presentation sent out on 25/04/2023

Residential PowerPoint sent out on 25/04/2023

REMINDER: P.E. days for Year 5 is Tuesday and Wednesday and Year 6 is Tuesday & Thursday.

SWIMMING LESSONS for Year 5 & Year 6 is every Thursday morning from Thursday 08/06/2023 to Thursday 13/07/2023

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


October 2024

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • Year 5 & Year 6 Cross Country Competition
  • Morning Club
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • STEMgineers Club KS2
  • Donations in for Harvest
  • Individual and Sibling Photos
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Donations in for Harvest
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Donations in for Harvest
  • Morning Club
  • Harvest Assembly
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • Morning Club
  • Surrey Police in to visit Year 3 & Year 4
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • STEMgineers Club KS2
  • Morning Club
  • Year 3 & Year 4 Trip
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • YR6 - Height & Weight
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Year 6 Height & Weights Measures with the Surrey Nursing Team
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Parent Teacher Meetings
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Parent Teacher Meetings for Year 3 Only
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • Parent Teacher Meetings
  • Parent Teacher Meetings Year 3 Only
  • Morning Club
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • STEMgineers Club KS2
  • FLU Immunisations Today
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Open Day Tours
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Open Day Tours
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • Year 1 & Year 2 Alice in Wonderland Guildford Walk
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • INSET Day - School is closed to all pupils