PTA Quiz Night

A big thank you to the members of the PTA who kindly organised the Sandfield Quiz last Friday.  The evening was hosted expertly by Paul and Katie Bridge and the music round by Jenni March.  It was a very close competition and just won right at the end by the staff team!

The quiz raised £400 towards our School projects this year and this money will go towards new books for the library.  Thank you to all those parents that came along to support and join in the fun.

World Book Day

It was lovely coming to school yesterday in our pyjamas and onesies, this made getting up so much easier!  It was great to be introduced to the children’s much loved teddies.   All the cuddly toys had a lovely day at school too!  Sandfield children really enjoyed the day and the joy of reading was celebrated in every classroom.

Important Dates To Note for March 2023

Wednesday 21st March - Guildford Music Festival (Years 5 + 6)

Thursday 22nd March - Cross Country - KS2 Squad

Tuesday 28th March - Face-To-Face Parent Teacher Meetings 3:40pm - 7:00pm

Wednesday 29th March - Face to Face Parent Teacher Meetings for Year 2 ONLY

Thursday - 30th March - Face-To-Face Parent Teacher Meetings  3:40 - 6:00pm - (Not Year 2)

Friday 31st March - End of term - 1:30pm

A further Studybugs message about Parent Teacher meetings will be sent out today.

Wishing you all a great weekend!

Best wishes
Mrs Collins and The Sandfield Team


Children in Celebration Assembly this week were:

Year R: Hazal, Shoaib and Rex
Year 1: Amira and Zane
Year 2: Meabh and Lucas
Year 3: Leo and Yusuf
Year 4: Teo and Barnaby
Year 5: Twalumba and James
Year 6: Olivia and Olwyn

Well done everyone!

Well done Badge


The school target for this year 2022-2023 has been set by the Surrey County Council Inclusion Team and is 97%

This week the whole school achieved 94.3%, an increase of nearly 5% from last week!

Attendance Clock

To view our Attendance Protocol, please click here>>


Sandfield Padlet - Courses, Workshops and Information for Parents

Our Padlet lists the school’s main digital resources and some recommended resources from the Inclusion and Pastoral team. This is aimed at all our parents and carers and is a live platform that staff will continue to update.

There are also lots of courses and workshops on offer to all parents, carers and families.  To see what is available, including free cookery classes and supporting your child with reading from Surrey Family Learning etc. please look at the Sandfield Padlet, there is lots of information available for everyone along with local events!

Click here for information on Community Links and Media at Sandfield

Inclusion Team Useful Links

Sandfield Padlet >>
Young Carers >>

Families Surrey West Latest Newsletter

Please click here>>

Easter Holiday Camps

CHIPS Easter Camps


Confirmed Sports Events

Please ensure that consent forms for squad members are completed as soon as possible.  This helps us enormously with planning transport.

Many thanks, Coach Mohammed


SAFEGUARDING - Use of Mobile Phones

We are still seeing parents and carers using mobile phones on-site, please be aware that you will be asked to end your call before you enter any of the gates.


PTA Committee:  We urgently need the following for the Committee for the PTA:
3 Trustees: this is a low-maintenance role which is mostly administrative.
Co-Treasurer: to work alongside Esmat (Cyrus's and Lockhart's mum).
Secretary: mainly administrative, minute taking etc.

Please let Mrs Collins know if you would like to discuss any of these vital roles further or would like to volunteer!

PTA Summer 'Family' Event:  'SANDFEST' Saturday 24th June 2023:

Following last years successful 'Sandfest' the event is returning bigger and better!  This event for families will be in the afternoon in the form of a mini-festival and we will have Live Artists (to be announced over the coming months), as well as a BBQ and other refreshments.  There will be the usual stalls including the adult tombola, jolly jars, raffle, children's games.  Book this date in your diaries bring along your chairs and blankets and enjoy a festival afternoon.

Lots of help will be needed to help make this event a success.  More details to follow!

If you are interested in any of the above roles or have any other ideas, please email, or catch Emma and Nick at school.

Many thanks
Sandfield PTA



Another exciting week in Reception as we celebrate St.David’s Day and World Book day!

We explored things often associated with Wales such as leeks, sheep, Welsh cakes and daffodils! We worked together to recreate a giant Welsh flag with the famous red dragon too! In art, we looked closely at a bouquet of daffodils – the national flower of Wales, noting the unique shape of their petals. Using pencil, the children sketched them and painted our first still life painting of them.  

The children learnt about Coats of Arms this week. They found out that knights and royals used them in the past to present their families. In small groups, they discussed what is special to them or what makes them special. They created their very own Coat of Arms to represent themselves and shared these with their friends. These can now be seen hanging up proudly on our classroom wall opposite the role-play castle! 

The highlight for most of us was wearing pyjamas to celebrate reading on World Book Day! We designed our own bookmarks, explored books from different cultures and had a bedtime reading pyjama party with our teddies!  

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


We have had another exhilarating week in Year 1 and Year 2, with a visit to Holy Trinity Church.

The theme of the morning was learning all about "Who was Jesus?" and they did this by learning about the miracles he performed and enjoyed the parable of the "Good Samaritan".  Finally they listened to the story of Zacchaeus and created some beautiful art work.

REMINDER: P.E days for Year 1 is  Monday and Year 2 is Tuesday.

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


This week we started making our volcano models.

We had to use newspaper and a toilet roll as a base to build up the domed shape. We then secured it with masking tape ready to use paper mache next week – great team work!

We all enjoyed relaxing in our pyjamas on Thursday and listening to stories from different cultures. We read a Chinese folk tale about a magic paintbrush and an aboriginal story about the rainbow serpent.

Reminders: PE on Wednesday (outside) & Thursday indoors (shorts and t-shirts will also be needed)

Year 4 String Scheme takes place every Friday, please ensure all instruments are in school.

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


Year 5 & 6 have enjoyed another busy week.

In English, we have explored the use of figurative language in our exciting text ‘Viking Boy’. This inspired us to write our own sentences using personification, similes and metaphors, which we will use in our own narratives.

We had great fun in History learning how Vikings were superb seamen and used Longships for travelling – we were so impressed they were able to navigate without any of the modern equipment we use today. Imagine life without technology…?!

REMINDER: P.E. days for Year 5 is Tuesday and Wednesday and Year 6 is Tuesday & Thursday.

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


September 2024

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • School is Closed for the Summer Holidays
  • INSET Day - School is closed to all pupils
  • INSET Day - School is closed to all pupils
  • Autumn term starts today for all pupils in Year 1 to Year 6
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Morning Club
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • Morning Club
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Reception Class Group A in
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Reception Class Group B in
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Morning Club
  • Reception Class Group A in
  • Reception Class Group B in
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • New Reception Class in until 12:30pm (& stay for lunch)
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • New Reception Class Start Full Time Today
  • Morning Club
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • STEMgineers Club KS2
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • Year 5 & Year 6 Cross Country Competition
  • Morning Club
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • STEMgineers Club KS2
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Information Afternoon for New Reception Class Parents and Carers
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • KS1 Parents Breakfast Briefing
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • KS2 Parents Breakfast Briefing
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • Morning Club
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • STEMgineers Club KS2
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club