
At Sandfield, we believe that Science should be investigative, and that teaching and learning should be built around children’s natural curiosity and their keen desire to investigate. Our teachers deliver a balance of biology, chemistry and physics, with opportunities given for children to progress in their skills and understanding of key areas of Science. We encourage children to ask questions and find inventive, creative and logical ways to answer these questions.

Embedded in our Science lessons are opportunities for children to develop their ‘Working Scientifically’ skills:

  • WS1 – Enquiry and developing questions
  • WS2 – Testing and answering questions
  • WS3 – Measurement and selecting equipment
  • WS4 – Making observations
  • WS5 – Recording and presenting findings
  • WS6 – Developing conclusions
  • WS7 – Refining investigations

Within each of these criteria there is a progression in scientific skills, allowing children to build upon their knowledge and ability to carry out effective investigations as they move their way up through the school. Children are able to investigate through each unit of Science, meaning they can better develop their understanding of key scientific concepts throughout both Key Stages.

Outlined below are the topic covered in each phase team:

  • Reception: In the Early Years Foundation Stage, children are given opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them, allowing them to acquire knowledge and develop their curiosity before moving to more formal science lessons.
  • Year 1 & 2 : plants, animals including humans, seasonal changes, living things & their habitats and materials
  • Year 3 & 4: plants, animals including humans, rocks, light, forces & magnets, living things & their habitats, states of matter, sound and electricity
  • Year 5 & 6: living things & their habitats, animals including humans, states of matter, sound, electricity, properties & changes of materials, Earth & space, forces, evolution & inheritance and light

Please see below our ‘Progression in Science’ document: