Policy Library

Sandfield Primary School is a member of the Learning Partners Academy Trust and is covered by a number of Learning Partners policies. Details of the following policies can be found on the Learning Partners Academy Trust website, please click here>>
  • Attendance (Pupils) Policy
  • Behaviour Policy Statement
  • Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy Statement
  • Complaints Policy/Procedure
  • Curriculum Policy Statement
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Freedom of Information Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Travel, Expenses and Governor Allowances Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy
Please click on the following statements from the Learning Partners Academy Trust for further information

Sandfield does not collect children’s biometric information therefore the school has no policy.

Extreme Weather Policy

Decisions will be made regarding school closures, should weather conditions become dangerous for our school community.  We hope that any form of closure will be avoidable, but information about conditions will be updated and available for parents, pupils and staff at the earliest opportunity.  We aim to give all parents and carers at least one hour’s notice of any decisions.

The School will use the methods below to inform parents about changes to the school day in the event of adverse weather conditions.

School Website – https://sandfield.surrey.sch.uk/

Studybugs Messaging –  https://studybugs.com

Surrey County Council – Updates for Schools

Guildford Greatest Hits Radio – Greatest Hits Radio