Equality Objectives at Sandfield


Sandfield Primary School will promote equal opportunity and will not tolerate inequality in any area of the school’s life or work. All will be treated equally and given equal access to the curriculum and life of the school. All will have equal opportunity to benefit from all that we offer. Our intention is to develop an ethos in which all will thrive. Diversity and differences will be valued and respected by all and they will contribute to the richness of our school life and learning.

Under the Equality Act 2010, we welcome our general duty to

Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by The Equality Act 2010

Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

We recognise our specific duties which aims to assist us to meet our general duty 

To annually publish information on how we are complying with the Equality Duty including to publish information on our school population.

To publish equality objectives every four years, which show how we plan to tackle particular inequalities and reduce or remove them

Our Equality Objectives

Equality Objective 1

Promotion of cultural understanding and awareness of different religious beliefs (including that some people have no religion) between different ethnic groups within our school community

To achieve this objective, we plan to: review and publicise our PSHE provision which explicitly promotes celebration and support of people with protected characteristics. This may include assemblies, talks, in class activities and enrichment days.

Progress we are making towards this objective:

Whole school assemblies have included a focus on the lives of people with disabilities and special characteristics.

To support the PSHE curriculum: implemented “One Decision” programme across the school. Impact of this to be monitored through a review of the curriculum

Equality Objective 2

Monitoring and promotion of the involvement of all groups of students in the extra-curricular life of the school, including leadership opportunities, especially pupils with special educational needs and disabilities

To achieve this objective we plan to: ensure all groups of children have the same opportunities and are represented through our Year 6 team of ambassadors, JLT, sports squads, choir, Sandfield representatives in events with the local community

Progress we are making towards this objective:

Checking that all children are represented and making changes to ensure this happens

Developing offsite learning opportunities for those that need more

Equality Objective 3:

Actively close gaps in attainment and achievement between students and all groups of students; especially students eligible for free-school meals, students with special educational needs and disabilities, looked after children and students from minority ethnic groups

Why we have chosen this objective: School data shows inequalities exist between our PP pupils and non-PP

To achieve this objective, we plan to: in pupil progress meetings, focus on the attainment and progress of all PP pupils with clear targets and actions set, deliver targeted interventions, liaise closely with home, ensure PP pupils have the most advantageous seating positions within the classroom.

Progress we are making towards this objective:

Termly pupil progress meetings

Targeted individuals invited to attend weekly homework club

Use of technology to deliver bespoke learning opportunities both at school and at home

Interventions are in place and are reviewed on a 6-week basis

Equality Objective 4:

Continue to improve accessibility across the school for pupils, staff and visitors with disabilities

Why we have chosen this objective: Sandfield is a Victorian building with restrictions to accessibility.

To achieve this objective, we plan to: deliver a questionnaire to all pupils and their families to ascertain issues within our school site. Also invite the Trusts premises team and architects to survey our site and make suggestions to improve

Progress we are making towards this objective:

Estate Strategy Report undertaken by Lytle Associates with some recommendations

Discussion with the finance team on which work could be funded by SCA monies

Equality Objective 5:

Endeavour to ensure diversity in the staff body and in leadership roles

Why we have chosen this objective: to promote role models inside and outside the curriculum of different ability, gender, sexual orientation, race or religion or representing any protected characteristic.

To achieve this objective we plan to: embrace a fair recruitment strategy – gathering appropriate information regarding characteristics on application for monitoring.

Progress we are making towards this objective:

Embedding our “Everyone is welcome, important and belongs” ethos and our “Respect for all,” culture

Increasingly diverse staff population employed

Equality Objective 6:

Reduce the incidence of the use of racist, homophobic, bi-phobic, transphobic and sexist language by pupils in the school

Why we have chosen this objective: there has been a few incidents of homophobic, sexist, racist or other discriminative language used within school and we wish to eradicate these

To achieve this objective, we plan to: employ systems to maintain high standards of behaviour and respect for others throughout the school. Ensure that any incidents of discrimination are recorded, monitored and addressed appropriately. Where there are incidents of discrimination appropriate support will be put into place to support students involved and their families. Effectiveness of action taken will be evaluated. Staff are equipped to recognise incidents of hatred and discrimination and are supported in dealing with them effectively.

Progress we are making towards this objective:

Clear reporting systems put in place so information can be shared with stakeholders as appropriate

To support national events and themed weeks to promote equality and diversity; including but not exclusive to; Red Card Against Racism, Anti-homophobia week and anti-bullying week.

Equality Objective 7:

Review relevant school policies to ensure they clearly reflect the aim of inclusivity

Why we have chosen this objective: As a school we recognise the importance of all our school polices clearly reflect our aim of inclusivity

To achieve this objective we plan to: review each policy, under the lens of inclusivity during the annual review cycle

Progress we are making towards this objective:

Polices are carefully reviewed and then shared with governors for feedback