Thank You

Firstly, it is lovely to be back.  I have missed all the children, their families and the wonderful staff team.  Many thanks for all the kind messages and wishes for a speedy recovery.

I am seeing the surgeon again next week and hopefully they will tell me that my recovery is going well and no further operations are needed.  I really did a good job of breaking my wrist – my wrist is now bionic, with plates and pins!

I wanted to say a big thank you to Miss McIllroy who lead the school so superbly during my absence and also to the office team for all their support.


Staff Changes at Sandfield – Say Hello

A huge welcome to Becky Hart, our new School Business Manager who has taken over from Mrs Cregan who left us in December. Becky also works at the Learning Partners Academy Trust Head Office and we are very lucky to have her expertise in our admin team!

Our new structure is as follows, should parents need to contact a member of our admin team:

Mrs Hart – Budget and overall responsibility for Finance and HR.

Mrs Donnithorne – PA to the SLT, Admissions and HR Operations.

Mrs Elliott – Assistant School Business Manager (Finance and Data) , Attendance, Clubs and Lettings

Mrs Mabinda – Admin and Office Assistant, Finance, School Meals and Pupil Information

Also welcome to Mrs Nidhi Shrivastava who started with us in November, working with children in Year 2 and 3.  We also welcome Mrs Nadeesha Perera to the team who will be working with children in Year 1, 3 and 4.  We are delighted to have Mrs  Shrivastava and Mrs Perera as new members of our Sandfield team.  They both have a wonderful way with the children they work with.

Say Goodbye – Mrs Edge

Sadly, after half term we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Edge who has spent the past 21 years as a parent and then a member of staff at Sandfield.  Thank you for your commitment to Sandfield over the past 21 years.  An amazing achievement.  Mrs Edge has achieved so many wonderful things during her time, especially her work with Forest School, which I know all the children love.  Mrs Edge always go above and beyond with the children that she teaches, especially those that need a little bit more.  Mrs Edge will be very much missed by all the staff, the children and their families and we take this opportunity to wish you every success in her next adventure!

Changes to Staffing – Year 1

We are delighted that Mrs Kelly who many of you know in Year 3 and Year 4, will now work full time and will support children in Year 1 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays. The role will be shared with Mrs Perera, who will be in year 1 on Thursdays and Fridays.  I know they will make a great team.


Wishing you all a great weekend!

Best wishes
Mrs Collins and The Sandfield Team


Children in Celebration Assembly this week were:

Year R: Lia and Archie
Year 1: Akram and Paul
Year 2: Lucas N and Leo
Year 3: Cody and Matilda
Year 4: Samuel and Jaden
Year 5: Hasan and Arda
Year 6: Annie and Chessia

Well done everyone!

Well done Badge


Attendance Protocol

Attendance at school is key to children having the best opportunities to have a full education and learn to their highest potential .  As a school we have a procedure to follow to keep parents informed of their child’s attendance and when it begins to fall, this is a statutory requirement.  The flow chart shows the steps the school can take, whilst considering each child individually. It is important as a school that we understand and support families to ensure that attendance is as high as it can be for every pupil at Sandfield.

The school target for this year 2022-2023 has been set by the Surrey County Council Inclusion Team and is 97%

This week the whole school achieved 93.2%, an increase of nearly 5% from last week!

Attendance Clock


Sandfield Padlet – Courses, Workshops and Information for Parents

Our Padlet lists the school’s main digital resources and some recommended resources from the Inclusion and Pastoral team. This is aimed at all our parents and carers and is a live platform that staff will continue to update.

There are also lots of courses and workshops on offer to all parents, carers and families.  To see what is available, including free cookery classes and supporting your child with reading from Surrey Family Learning etc. please look at the Sandfield Padlet, there is lots of information available for everyone along with local events!

Click here for information on Community Links and Media at Sandfield

Inclusion Team Useful Links

Sandfield Padlet >>
Young Carers >>


Confirmed Sports Events

Please ensure that consent forms for squad members are completed as soon as possible.  This helps us enormously with planning transport.

Many thanks, Coach Mohammed



Use of Mobile Phones

We are still seeing parents and carers using mobile phones on-site, please be aware that you will be asked to end your call before you enter any of the gates.

Appointments or Sickness During the School Day

REMINDER: Evidence of any appointments, including doctor, dentist, hospital etc. must be emailed to in advance.

Morning Club

Scopay have now set up our Morning Club on their system.  For bookings for the club after half term these will now show in a slightly different format under Morning Club when you have the option to choose the sessions you wish to book.  Please note that you will have to ‘top-up’ your account with a credit before booking sessions.

Please be aware that with the new system, the booking for a session closes at mid-night two days before (i.e. to book for a Wednesday you need to book by midnight on Monday).

The system is live from today and therefore you can begin booking for after half term.  Bookings for next week will continue in the existing format.

Please can we remind you that the phone number to call when you arrive for the club is:  07512 467977.  

World Book Day Themed Lunch

If your child would like the themed lunch to celebrate World Book Day, please order via Aspens in the usual way.  Please note that the new menu for after half term will be uploaded and available from Monday 6th February 2023.

First Aid Fundraiser 

In aid of the crisis caused by the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey, Foela, Sadie and Connie’s mum is organising a  First Aid fundraiser with all tickets sales going to the Choose Love campaign.
This is an hour-long session teaching CPR and how to use a public access defibrillator.

You’ll learn:

– How to tell if someone is breathing normally– Recovery position– CPR for children and adults– How and when to use a defibrillator

All ticket sales from this event will go to the Choose Love 2023-Earthquake appeal to raise money for those affected by the crisis in Turkey and Syria.  Everyone is welcome, including children and no previous first aid knowledge is necessary.  Our sessions are fun and relaxed and the skills you will learn could save a life one day!

Just £10 for adults and £6 for children.

Book your place here:


PTA Committee:  We urgently need the following for the Committee for the PTA:
3 Trustees: this is a low-maintenance role which is mostly administrative.
Co-Treasurer: to work alongside Esmat (Cyrus’s and Lockhart’s mum).
Secretary: mainly administrative, minute taking etc.

Please let Mrs Collins know if you would like to discuss any of these vital roles further or would like to volunteer!

Sandfield PTA AGM Monday 6th February 2023 at 8:00pm via Zoom: All parents and carers are very welcome to join us via Zoom online! The link you will need is

PTA Summer ‘family’ Event:  ‘SANDFEST’ Saturday 24th June 2023: Following last years successful ‘Sandfest’ the event is returning bigger and better!  This event for families will be in the afternoon in the form of a mini-festival and we will have Live Artists (to be announced over the coming months), as well as a BBQ and other refreshments.  There will be the usual stalls including the adult tombola, jolly jars, raffle, children’s games.  Book this date in your diaries bring along your chairs and blankets and enjoy a festival afternoon.  Lots of help will be needed to help make this event a success.  More details to follow!

PTA Event: Quiz Night!: Friday 24th February 2023 from 7:30pm to 10:30pm: Book your babysitters and gather your teams for this very popular event! Tickets are £7 each and are available via PayPal using (remember to click ‘friends and family’ when paying).  Bring your own snacks!  There will be a Pay Bar.  Everyone welcome.  All money raised will go to the school.

If you are interested in any of the above roles or have any other ideas, please email, or catch Emma and Nick at school.

Many thanks
Sandfield PTA



This week in Reception, we continued our topic of Polar Regions! Our math’s learning came from practicing number bonds to 10 by moving penguins around icebergs. We noticed that as one iceberg had one more penguin, the other iceberg had one less. We also added different amounts and wrote number sentences to explain our addition.  

We used our fine motor skills to make walruses out of different materials. We did this in two stages so planning, following instructions and problem solving were a big focus.  

In English, we practiced using our word mats and sound mats to help us write simple sentences. Then, we tried our hand at independent writing, for the first time without an adult’s help. Everyone was determined in their writing and tried their best – we are so proud! We also used our phonics knowledge to make train tracks that spelt 3-5 letter words!

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


Another  great week in Year 1 and Year 2 as we have been learning about famous engineers.

On our experience day, we learned about Alexander Bell, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Mary Anderson. We drew and investigated bridges from around the world. Making telephones and creating bridges was great fun. Finally, we researched Mary Anderson’s amazing windscreen wipers invention.

REMINDER: P.E days for Year 1 is  Monday and Year 2 is Tuesday.

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


Year 3 and Year 4 have been testing their gymnastic skills by completing a series of circuits including core work, balance, using apparatus to create shapes and jumps as well as using their upper arm strength (and courage) to climb the ropes! Some excellent work was on display!

In English the children have started their new writing unit based on the beautiful book ‘When the Giant Stirred’ by Celia Godkin . They are using their persuasive writing skills to write a holiday leaflet to entice visitors to their tropical island and publish their work using ‘pages’ on the iPads.

Fantastic work everyone!

Reminders: PE on Wednesday (outside) & Thursday indoors (shorts and t-shirts will also be needed)

Year 4 String Scheme takes place every Friday, please ensure all instruments are in school.

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


We are thrilled with our final freedom quilt that is hanging proudly on the wall!

Year 5 and Year 6 showed such enthusiasm with this project from the beginning where we learnt the importance of these quilts in helping the slaves reach freedom.

Each child designed their ‘patch’ which represented the symbols that were originally used and then carefully developed their needlework skills to create them.

A huge thank you to Mrs Field for helping the children with their sewing and Mrs Reid for sewing all the patches together to create the final masterpiece – we couldn’t have done it without you both!

REMINDER: P.E. days for Year 5 is Tuesday and Wednesday and Year 6 is Tuesday & Thursday.

Click/tap an image for a gallery view


October 2024

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • Year 5 & Year 6 Cross Country Competition
  • Morning Club
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • STEMgineers Club KS2
  • Donations in for Harvest
  • Individual and Sibling Photos
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Donations in for Harvest
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Donations in for Harvest
  • Morning Club
  • Harvest Assembly
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • Morning Club
  • Surrey Police in to visit Year 3 & Year 4
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • STEMgineers Club KS2
  • Morning Club
  • Year 3 & Year 4 Trip
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • YR6 - Height & Weight
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Year 6 Height & Weights Measures with the Surrey Nursing Team
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Parent Teacher Meetings
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Parent Teacher Meetings for Year 3 Only
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • Parent Teacher Meetings
  • Parent Teacher Meetings Year 3 Only
  • Morning Club
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years 3 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yr R to 6
  • STEMgineers Club KS2
  • FLU Immunisations Today
  • Morning Club
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Year 5 Individual Violin & Cello Lessons
  • Year 4 String Scheme
  • Open Day Tours
  • Year 5 Orchestra
  • Ahora Spanish Club Years 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • KS2 Street Football with Planet Soccer
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Open Day Tours
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer Yrs 1 to 6
  • Reception Class After School Club
  • Morning Club
  • Tae Kwon-Do Club - Years 2 to 6
  • Year 1 & Year 2 Alice in Wonderland Guildford Walk
  • Rock Steady Music Lessons
  • Boogie Pumps Dance Club for Years R, 1 & 2
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer - Yrs 1 to 6
  • Home Club with Planet Soccer -Yr R to 6
  • INSET Day - School is closed to all pupils