7th September 2022
Dear Parents,
The trip to Wisley Gardens, which was cancelled last academic year due to extreme weather, will take place on Thursday 15th September 2022. This trip links to the Reception topic of Minibeasts and All Living Things. This visit will enable the children to discover more about minibeasts and their habitats through a hands on workshop.
We will be leaving school at 9:30 am and returning from Wisley in time for the end of the school day, traffic permitting.
The total voluntary contribution for this trip is £13.00 per pupil, which is £1.00 over our initial estimate due to the increase in fuel costs. Our aim is for all pupils to participate in this visit. We are able to help all pupils who are in receipt of Free School Meals and/ or Pupil Premium. Parents will need to make an appointment with Mrs Lidstrom to discuss what help is available and also discuss a payment plan for contributions.
If any other family is experiencing financial difficulty and would like to discuss payment of this visit, please contact Mrs Lucy Lidstrom, our home school link worker, either via the school office or email HSLW@sandfield.surrey.sch.uk, ahead of the deadline date.
The deadline for all contributions is this Friday at the latest. Please send your child to school wearing their PE kits, and their school sweatshirt, a sun hat and sun cream if it is very hot, or a waterproof coat and suitable shoes for a day outside. Your child will be provided with a packed lunch as part of the Universal Free School Meal scheme and you may supplement this with healthy alternatives if you wish. Please remember that these must not contain any items containing nuts, fizzy drinks, chocolate or other unhealthy treats in line with school policy and that your child should have a backpack to carry it in during the day. Every child will also need extra water for the day.
As with all trips a risk assessment and preliminary visit has been carried out in preparation for this trip.
Kind regards,
Mrs Nelly Payne
Year 1 Class Teacher
Everyone is welcome, everyone belongs and everyone is important.