
The children at Sandfield are taught Computing to prepare them for a world where technology is rapidly changing. Our teaching of Computing allows the children to build a broad and balanced knowledge that will give them an interesting, safe and stimulating experience of technology. Their journey through Sandfield will allow them to develop their knowledge and practical application of technology to communicate information in the form of words and graphics, use the Internet, handle data, store, sort and retrieve information and control by means of programs, apps and software which they have formulated themselves.

The children are provided with the opportunities to use Computing in a cross-curricular manner. They are encouraged to think about how Computing can support their learning across the curriculum by using and applying the skills they have learnt in the other subject areas.

The successful deliverance of Computing happens because of our well resourced Computing department which is rapidly developing. The children have access to interactive LED whiteboards in each classroom, wireless Internet connection across the entire school, and a bank of laptops. Having these mobile devices allows the teaching and learning of Computing to happen in the classroom, at any time a child decides Computing will support their learning.

We follow the Rising Stars Switched On Computing curriculum   

Useful website links for Computing: