Online Safety

Useful website links for Online Safety:

Online Safety

Children are growing up into a world where the use of computers, the internet and mobile technology is becoming an ever more integral part of their lives. It is important that we provide them with the tools and skills to use the technology safely and wisely, thus enabling them to take advantage of all the benefits of modern technology without the dangers.

E safety is built into our computing and PSHE curriculum, therefore all children take part in age appropriate lessons to cover aspects of internet safety and the considerate and careful use of computers and technology.

KS2 learn about the Smart Crew and follow a learning programme based on the Cybercafe 

Internet safety rules are displayed in all classrooms.

Online Safety Information for Parents

Parents and children are asked to agree to uphold the school’s e-safety policy.

Parents with any concerns regarding e-safety are encouraged to see the Computing Lead to discuss their concerns. We would also like to remind you about social networking sites that children MUST be 13 to access, such as Facebook and Instagram, in order to comply with the conditions of the site.

Below are links to useful websites and videos about the advantages and dangers connected with modern technology, as well as offering some practical advice for parents and carers with guiding their children safely through the technology maze.

Internet Matters – A Guide for Parents of 11-13 Year Old Pupils

SMART online instructions