Religious Education (RE)
Religious Education (RE) is taught using the Surrey Agreed Syllabus 2017-2022, with topics covering the range of main religions. Teaching emphasises learning about religions as well as learning from religions.
The children are given many opportunities to discuss big ideas and talk about their own experiences. We are very fortunate at Sandfield to have children from a wide range of cultures and this is valued and respected as we celebrate the similarities and differences. Lessons are interesting, lively and varied to engage all children and include drama, dance, art and design, cookery and poetry as means of expressing religious knowledge and personal impression.
Surrey Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Schools 2023-2028
The topics covered by each year group is as follows:
RE overview Nov 22 for WebsiteThe children also visit local places of worship and take part in workshops at Guildford Cathedral and Holy Trinity church.
We would wish to remind parents of their right to withdraw their children from all or part of the religious education and collective worship provided. If you would like to discuss this, please make an appointment with the headteacher.